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Friday, November 8, 2019

Statistics essays

Statistics essays Statistics is a system where you can get to the bottom of a variety of composite questions in the statistics class. Statistics has a group of rules that make problems find the solutions that are correct. The upcoming project will be answer with the formulas learned at stats class. Descriptive statistics is used to present a variety of information, which information can either be qualitative or quantitative. To present the information in an organize matter we used a set of charts and/or graphs to understand better our results. To start the task I sampled 36 people, 22 males and 14 females. Confidence interval is a set of range, minimum and maximum, to give an output from a previous sample. The confidence interval is used to determine numbers that will help you predict the result. The next optimal numbers are an average using the 36 people we used for this project to get more precise numbers and help us with our project. The numbers are going to help us predict the outcome of the workers performance and to see if the computer is a useful tool this will help us get a more precise numbers in order to complete our project. The sample consists of 36 people currently working at the company. This group is going to help me develop a project were many statistical tools that are utilized to get proper stimulations. It consisted 14 females and 22 males. Using this information I will determine to a 95 certainty or percentage that the male population is .61 2(.08) and for females .39 2(.08). This represents the gender ratio. Histogram for age is unimodal and it is non-symmetric. Average age is in the range in 39.06. The median is 36, the mode, 30. The standard deviation, which means the variance between ages, is 14.03. The sample variance, also refers to the sum of the variances is 196.74. The range lies between the points of a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 65. I am 95% sure that the average age lies between the follo...

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